‘Quite Interesting’ benchmarking finding #2



In the spirit of the great British panel show, we are providing a series of ‘snapshots’ of ‘Quite Interesting’ findings from the 2022 Benchmarking Project Essentials Report.

Our second journey into the realm of ‘Quite Interesting’ takes a little look at a surprising Online giving trend.

You don’t have to be a nipper to give online

For a while many have believed that Online was just a place for us to cast our nets at catch Millennials and Gen Z, but that it appears we’ve caught more than we bargained for.

The average age at recruitment of a new Online Single Giver is 55. This means our donor mix is a veritable fish pie of Millennials, Gens Z and X’s, Boomers and even a couple of the Silent Generation for good measure.

Data from our membership shows a 13 year increase in the past 11 years, from nearly 42 to almost 55. This suggests donors might be responding to their Direct Mail and DRTV through Online channels rather than returning a cheque in the post or calling the number at the end of the ad.

So, if you’re told that Online only works for kids, you can tell them Online is for the young and the young at heart.

If you’re not already a member, or need to renew for next year, please contact us at admin@benchmarkingproject.org