Accelerate your fundraising
Individual Giving Accelerator Membership 2024
Available for charities with fewer than 50,000 Individual Giving transactions last year
Stay ahead of the market with the Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand Essentials Reports
The Essentials Reports are a summary of the process of consultation, analysis, and insights development. It will give you the trustworthy evidence you need to understand the key fundraising trends and insights to support you in making the best possible fundraising decisions.
You will find the information to support you in working with your colleagues in senior management and Board, to explain how investment in fundraising works and to underpin strategic decision making.
Learning opportunities for your team with unlimited access to Forums
You and your entire team will have access to each of the four main Forums in 2024, plus access to the recordings to rewatch and Forum guides to download. These Forums are the way for you to educate and upskill your fundraising team.
Accelerator members only Forum
We look though the anonymised transaction data of the charities from the smaller-end of town to find insights that most fit our Accelerator membership.
This shortform session relies on case studies and data from peers who have been there and done it before. This practical session is a must for all Accelerator members.