
Our Ecosystem

Collaboration is one of our sector’s most unique strengths. The Benchmarking Project harnesses this strength, by bringing together a wealth of data, analysis, insight and informed opinion and a diverse range of voices, to generate powerful outcomes. TBP engages numerous and diverse collaborators operating across the fundraising sector. We call this community of collaborators ‘The Benchmarking Project Ecosystem’.

Individual Giving Benchmarking The cornerstone of TBP is its individual giving benchmarking. The collating and analysis of this data is led by Andy Tidy and the team at Slingshot. Under this umbrella also sits the community of members who provide their individual giving fundraising data for analysis, participate in our discussion forums, offer feedback, and support the development of insights.

Partners TBP has two Primary Partners: More Strategic and Marlin Communications. Our partnership with More Strategic provides TBP and its members with access to the essential insights offered by the More Profitability Benchmarking. Our partnership with Marlin Communications has provided substantial creative and branding support to TBP, as well as insight into the diverse world of digital fundraising.

Advisory Panel Our Advisory Panel is a team of fundraising experts from charities, consultancies, and supplier agencies who have generously volunteered to contribute their advice and expertise on an ongoing basis.

TBP’s Advisory Panel provides input into the direction of the Individual Giving  Benchmarking, analysis commentary and the development of insights as well as being a leading voice on what the needs and concerns of fundraisers and fundraising organisations are.

Agency Collaborators Our agency collaborators are fundraising suppliers and consultancies who have chosen to become members and supporters of TBP. These agency collaborators have joined to offer their support, insights, and feedback for the benefit of the entire sector. 

TBP’s ecosystem provides a unique opportunity for the development of holistic fundraising analytics and insights. By bringing together charity fundraisers, data analysts, fundraising experts, and suppliers we are all better placed to understand the past, present, and future of our sector better than ever before.

Dr Cassandra Chapman - Understanding Consumer's Charity Preference

Dr Chapman’s research would be exploratory in nature, being led by an overarching goal of understanding donor psychology and behaviour across the charity sector.

Analysis of benchmarking data would be combined with insights from other donor research conducted by Dr Chapman and her team to develop a richer picture of donor psychology and charitable behaviour.

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