

We have 5 Workshop options available to charity members

  • Workshops can be scheduled from the beginning of June 2024 until December 2024
  • Sessions range in price, beginning at $3000 AUD
  • All sessions are delivered virtually via Zoom unless otherwise agreed with your workshop facilitator. Please note additional travel costs may apply to in person sessions
  • We will be working on a ‘first in, first served’ basis for session allocation
  • If you are interested in booking in an Insights in Action workshop, click the ‘Arrange a Workshop’ button
  • If you have your heart set on a particular facilitator, please do get in touch right away to avoid disappointment.

Book your workshop

Forum & Workshop Bookings

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Any questions or comments you may have for The Benchmarking Project team

What our members say

The Insights-in-Action workshop provided a perfect platform for translating the valuable benchmarking insights into practical actions. The workshop was well organized, engaging and the team’s expertise was evident throughout. Our group felt better equipped to make positive changes to help improve our fundraising results.

Elizabeth Marson – Head of Data and Insights at Australia for UNHCR

In 2022 we had our Insights Action workshop with Fi McPhee which coincided with our annual strategy week. The session really helped reinvigorate the team by celebrating the success of the last few years. It helped us understand what we have been doing right and what we should continue, as well as highlighting areas of opportunity. All these insights were brought into our strategy discussions for the remainder of the year.  It was important for our team to get the “outsider” perspective that Fi brought.

Fi has a fantastic sense of humour and isn’t afraid to say it like it is. We really appreciated her time and insights

Erin Hamalainen – Head of Data Analytics and Insights at The Fred Hollows Foundation

Download our free 2024 brochure

Need more information but don't have time to call us? Why not download our free 2024 Benchmarking Project brochure and read it at your leisure.